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Compliments & Complaints


Our staff and management work hard to ensure that we deliver the best possible care for your loved one. Sometimes it is easy for relatives to forget just how hard our staff work and what difficult tasks they perform. There is often negative press about care homes, but those who use them know that a valuable service is being carried out each and every day.

If you are pleased with our standards of care, or if you see something that deserves a special mention, please let the manager know or write to us. We celebrate all feedback, and it makes our staff proud.

Thank you!



We have a robust complaints procedure and we believe that most complaints can be dealt with through initial discussion with the staff and manager. If the issue cannot be dealt with at in this way, our CQC nominated individual will become involved and will investigate the issues fully according to our policies. If you wish to get in contact regarding any issues please fill in this form below or contact us via telephone.


To view our complaints policy please click the symbol - 

Thanks! Message sent.

However if you are not satisfied with the process or the outcome of the complaint, you can contact the Care Quality Commission at:-

Telephone: 03000 616161

Fax: 03000 616171

Opening hours are Monday to Friday, between 8:30 am and 5:30 pm.

CQC National Correspondence
Newcastle upon Tyne

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